Продукти за легион 7i (2)

VOLLMAX VECTIS HVI СЕРИЯ - Индустриални масла

VOLLMAX VECTIS HVI СЕРИЯ - Индустриални масла

They are high performance hydraulic oils specially designed with advanced viscosıty index developerto meet the requirements of modern hydraulic systems operating at variable ambient temperatures. They provide high performance by providing excellent lubrication in piston or gear pumps and other hydraulic system equipment which operate under difficult conditions with the help of additives that provide anti-wear and thermal stability with the formulation which enables stability in a wide temperature range.
FULLGEAR HYP EP 75W-80 - Смазочни Материали за Тежки Превозни Средства

FULLGEAR HYP EP 75W-80 - Смазочни Материали за Тежки Превозни Средства

Fullgear HYP EP 75W-80, is a synthetic gear oil which is developed to use for manual transmissions of passenger cars. Its special formula provides protection against wear under cold operating conditions.